Wednesday, July 22, 2009 at 8:06 PM |  
Hi there web-heads!

I am making it my goal to read every Marvel Spider-Man comic ever in existence. I grew up watching the Spider-Man tv show in 1984 and am very interested in learning everything there is to know about Peter Parker and his superhero existence as Spider-Man.

I started with Amazing Fantasy #15 which introduced Spider-Man for the very first time and am now finishing Amazing Spider-Man #200 (Jan 1980). I started about two months ago and have been reading at least 8 comics a day in chronological order.

I have read the following list so far:

Stan Lee, Steve Ditko - Production Team
Amazing Fantasy #15 (Aug 1962)

Kurt Busiek, Paul Lee, Richard Starkings
- Production Team
Amazing Fantasy #16 (Dec 1995)

Amazing Fantasy #17 (Jan 1996)

Amazing Fantasy #18 (Mar 1996) Looking for This One

Stan Lee, Steve Ditko, Johnny Dee
- Production Team
Amazing Spider-Man #001 (Mar 1963) Spider-Man meets Fantastic 4 and Introducing the Chameleon

Stan Lee, Steve Ditko, John Duffy
- Production Team
Amazing Spider-Man #002 (May 1963) Introducing the Vulture and Terrible Tinkerer

Amazing Spider-Man #003 (Jul 1963) Introducing Doctor Octopus

Amazing Spider-Man #004 (Sep 1963) Introducing the Sandman

Stan Lee, Steve Ditko, Sam Rosen
- Production Team
Amazing Spider-Man #005 (Oct 1963) Introducing Doctor Doom

Stan Lee, Steve Ditko, Art Simek
- Production Team
Amazing Spider-Man #006 (Nov 1963) Introducing the Lizard

Amazing Spider-Man #007 (Dec 1963) The Vulture Returns

Amazing Spider-Man #008 (Jan 1964) Introducing The Terrible Living Brain
Amazing Spider-Man #009 (Feb 1964) Introducing Electro
Amazing Spider-Man #010 (Mar 1964) Introducing the Evil Enforcers
Amazing Spider-Man #011 (Apr 1964) The Return of Doctor Octopus
Amazing Spider-Man #012 (May 1964) Spider-Man Unmasked by Doc-Oc
Amazing Spider-Man #013 (Jun 1964) The Menace of Mysterio
Amazing Spider-Man #014 (Jul 1964) Introducing the Green Goblin & Guest Starring Incredible Hulk and Evil Enforcers
Amazing Spider-Man #015 (Aug 1964) Introducing Kraven the Hunter and Guest Starring the Chameleon

Stan Lee, Steve Ditko, Sam Rosen - Production Team
Amazing Spider-Man #016 (Sep 1964) Spidey Battles Daredevil and Introducing the Ring Master and his Circus of Crime
Amazing Spider-Man #017 (Oct 1964) The Return of the Green Goblin and Guest Starring the Human Torch
Amazing Spider-Man #018 (Nov 1964) The Return of the Sandman, Spider-Man Labeled a Coward
Amazing Spider-Man #019 (Dec 1964) Spidey Strikes Back, Guest Starring the Sandman, Evil Enforcers, and Human Torch
Amazing Spider-Man #020 (Jan 1965) Introducing the Scorpion
Amazing Spider-Man #021 (Feb 1965) Where Flies the Beetle, Guest Starring the Human Torch

Stan Lee, Steve Ditko, Artie Simek - Production Team
Amazing Spider-Man #022 (Mar 1965) The Clown and His Masters of Menace (Formerly Circus of Crime)
Amazing Spider-Man #023 (Apr 1965) The Goblin and the Gangsters

Stan Lee, Steve Ditko, Sam Rosen - Production Team
Amazing Spider-Man #024 (May 1965) Spider-Man Goes Mad - Return of Mysterio
Amazing Spider-Man #025 (Jun 1965) Captured by J. Jonah Jameson (Introducing Spider Slayer #1 - Spencer Smythe)
Amazing Spider-Man #026 (Jul 1965) Introduction of the Crime Master, Return of Green Goblin

Stan Lee, Steve Ditko, Artie Simek - Production Team
Amazing Spider-Man #027 (Aug 1965) Bring Back My Goblin to Me

Stan Lee, Steve Ditko, Sam Rosen - Production Team
Amazing Spider-Man #028 (Sep 1965) Introducing the Molten Man
Amazing Spider-Man #029 (Oct 1965) Scorpion Returns

Stan Lee, Steve Ditko, Artie Simek - Production Team
Amazing Spider-Man #030 (Nov 1965) Claws of the Cat (Cat Burglar)

Stan Lee, Steve Ditko, Sam Rosen - Production Team
Amazing Spider-Man #031 (Dec 1965) If This Be My Destiny (Doc-Oc Part One)

Stan Lee, Steve Ditko, Artie Simek - Production Team
Amazing Spider-Man #032 (Jan 1966) Man on a Rampage (Doc-Oc Part Two)
Amazing Spider-Man #033 (Feb 1966) The Final Chapter (Doc-Oc Part Three)

Stan Lee, Steve Ditko, Sam Rosen - Production Team
Amazing Spider-Man #034 (Mar 1966) The Thrill of the Hunt (Return of Kraven, the Hunter)

Stan Lee, Steve Ditko, Artie Simek - Production Team
Amazing Spider-Man #035 (Apr 1966) The Molten Man Regrets
Amazing Spider-Man #036 (May 1966) When Falls the Meteor (Introducing the Uncanny Looter)
Amazing Spider-Man #037 (Jun 1966) Once Upon a Time, There Was a Robot
Amazing Spider-Man #038 (Jul 1966) Just a Guy Named Joe
Amazing Spider-Man #039 (Aug 1966) How Green Was My Goblin (Green Goblin's Identity Revealed)

Stan Lee, Steve Ditko, Sam Rosen - Production Team
Amazing Spider-Man #040 (Sep 1966) The End of the Green Goblin (Temporary, not Death of Norman Osborn)

Stan Lee, Steve Ditko, Artie Simek - Production Team
Amazing Spider-Man #041 (Oct 1966) The Horns of the Rhino (Return of the Rhino)

Stan Lee, Steve Ditko, Sam Rosen - Production Team
Amazing Spider-Man #042 (Nov 1966) The Birth of a Super-Hero (John Jameson is new Super-Hero)

Stan Lee, Steve Ditko, Artie Simek - Production Team
Amazing Spider-Man #043 (Dec 1966) Rhino on the Rampage

Stan Lee, Steve Ditko, Sam Rosen - Production Team
Amazing Spider-Man #044 (Jan 1967) Where Crawls the Lizard (Lizard Epic Part 1)
Amazing Spider-Man #045 (Feb 1967) Spidey Smashes Out (Lizard Epic Part 2)
Amazing Spider-Man #046 (Mar 1967) The Sinister Shocker
Posted by Peter Parker Labels: ,


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